I’m still reminiscing the M·A·C Selena World Premiere trip to Corpus Christi with M·A·C Cosmetics. Did you guys get your hands on the collection? This collection went really fast, it’s a good one. If you didn’t, I’ll giving away something from the M·A·C Selena collection soon, stay tuned for the announcement. Now let’s get back to the trip.
Although the M·A·C Selena event landed on my birthday (September 29th), I couldn’t be more happy to celebrate Selena’s life and her M·A·C Collection in Corpus Christi. Of course I kept that under wrap because it’s all about Selena. I was thinking I can celebrate my birthday every year or late but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I said YES to the trip! I definitely made the right choice as it turned out to be such an amazing couple of days.
Read the rest of My Travel Diary to Corpus Christi for the M·A·C Selena World Premiere
Read the rest of My Travel Diary to Corpus Christi for the M·A·C Selena World Premiere
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